There are almost no words for just how much I loved this book!
There aren't even enough stars so this will only be a hint at it's depth for me...

Night Owl all but finished me off with lust within the first 5%!!

This is absolute filth at it's dirtiest, hottest, gut wrenching, fantastic best.
I didn't want it to end, it's so cleverly written to include mystery and intrigue surrounding the author
(and the bunny!), that I'm truly blown away.
Matt was EVERYTHING I want, need and love in my Alpha's

Hannah was INCREDIBLE as his leading lady

From right at the start it felt dirty (good dirty!) and voyeuristic with Matt playing both hero and anti-hero.
"Matt's smirks came in flavors - two parts kindness, one part wicked amusement, a little lust in the mix. Oh and one hundred percent smug bastard"
- brilliant!
It feels like the ultimate love story, we're talking "move over Christian Grey"
and I NEVER thought that I'd utter those words.

I mean we all have our kinks and without a doubt a really dirty talker is at the top of my list (you must all know that of me by now, right?) but this just wrung me dry. This isn't 'just' erotica, it's so raw and powerfully written that I'm finding it a struggle to think about anything else - it's overwhelming.
The messages and sexting back and forth was delicious, I loved them!

Oh. My. God... seriously M Pierce where have you been hiding?!?!
You've made me melt.
"Don't you know that I love you? I see you under all your lies, and I always find you"
All hail M. Pierce

Let's take a peak at book 2 because "I never want to learn how to say goodbye" either *sighs*