came, saw and conquered.
This time with a cage fighter.
(Yay - thank you so much!!!)

From the first page I was holding my breath, WOW what a terrific start.
written before.
It's completely un-putdownable
from start to finish.
It's both fantastic and enthralling,
I was absolutely lost in the story...
YUMMY!! ...without a doubt
it was not a good time to disturb me!
It's gritty street feel, blended with funny moments and the reality that there were actually three of them the relationship
(Here's a hint!!)
Yep! LOL Tria's BIG bag was like a character in itself! But then everything about this book is different and clever. There's a huge, brilliant twist that left me so surprised, excited and happy I nearly fell off the bed! Not going to give it away but oh wow can Shay write a beautiful , dirty, hot, sexy, story! The biggest surprise of all being that they hardly even kissed for the majority of this book, which made it even better!!
Thanks so much Shay for sharing your
ARC with Sizzling Pages