I still get a rush of excited anticipation
when Georgia Le Carre releases a new book!
I can absolutely guarantee that even if the story
isn't quite to my liking (just that once - ughh! lol!!!) her thought provoking writing, her intelligence, her compelling world view and her beautifully filthy mind will all shine through.
Her books are simply mind blowing; they're must reads every time for me. I'm always on the edge of my seat reading them and this one was no exception. I was totally awestruck by it.
Holy fuck! It's a beautifully crafted lust filled tale... Aleksandr Malenkov will go to any lengths to have the woman he loves
(and takes me to the edge doing it!!!)
and Dahlia Fury, the woman he's fallen for, who’s feisty enough to handle his sexy, dirty, dominant, yummy...
enough to make this another brilliant
rich/poor GLC story...so happy!
compulsive reading – I’ll be dropping everything to read the next in the
Aghh!! - I HAVE to know what happens next!!
Aghh!! - I HAVE to know what happens next!!