5 Intense, erotic, beautiful stars from me for the story
And 10 erotic stars for the sizzle!
It was beautiful. Erotic, passionate, sensual and smart.
I loved that the sole focus of the story was just Didier and Caroly.
I've craved that in other books where the focus has been the setting so to have concentrated on the passion that built between these two great characters made it an beautifully intense read.
It's incredibly well written, I felt that the writers skills shone throughout. Wow! Cara can write!
Some of the most erotic scenes I've read were within these pages, the voyeuristic quality of the masturbation scene at 15% was incredible. It's intensity was visceral.
And for fans of Gandy you'll know exactly what I was thinking!!
Followed swiftly by the erotic shower scene...
(Oh and yes, this HAS to be done Tara my friend!)

I was in heaven!
Erotica at it's very best.